Orchid Experience


The logo that follows was created with a local Yogi. We worked together to visually capture a couples journey through infertility. Although not everyone’s journey is the same, they can appreciate similarities in other’s paths.

The moon cradles the couple and spirit so they can rest peacefully in the middle. This brand identity was created to reflect the importance of reflecting within to gain a greater understanding of personal peace during difficult times.


Graphic Designer, Art Direction

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There are more than 25,000 different types of orchids in the world. That is 25,000 different experiences that the orchid illuminates. Each one, with a lasting impression that reminds us how beautifully delicate life is. This logo is meant to remind us that no matter the individual journey, we can all grow together and help one another overcome life’s great obstacles. Each element is thoughtfully curated to the Orchid Experience. With two sets of petals showing the unity of two people to nurture the seed, the seed of life, of unity, and of a child. The moon cradles all of these elements representing our time on earth. As each phase of the moon passes, we acknowledge another year to grow and experience all that this life has to offer.

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