Lesson Reflection

It was so enlightening to see what everyone chose for their topics. I appreciated seeing all of the directions we could head with new media. From blogging to photo editing, 3D printing for printmaking to pattern design, it was an amazing experience overall to see where my peers took the assignment. Each person did a fantastic job with breaking down and scaffolding the learning activity. I look forward to adding each of their ideas into my own lesson planning — especially claymation, 3D printmaking, and pattern making!

I think I would adapt my assignment a little by providing type assets and the like to experiment with, rather than the pre-loaded assets from adobe. But, overall this lesson was developed with the idea that we would be building up to this point with our animations and typefaces prior to adding in AR. However, I do think there is value in providing assets that are closer to the actual assignment to explore. I could also see adding in different levels of engagement for those who aren’t necessarily excited about AR — asking myself, what are alternative applications? how can you layer in traditional animation into AR?

All in all, I am excited to continue adapting these concepts for the students in the room. Hypothetical situations are helpful, but I am more interested in learning more about how students want to use tech and AR than just saying WOW isn’t this so cool? Maybe they have a dream to paint a mural in Boston — how can we use AR to pitch that idea or brainstorm in a way that we can play around with different ideas ahead of time? Or maybe they want to add animation to their paintings — how do we make that happen?


Final Lesson Prep