Unit 3

Evolutions of Ingenuity

The final unit will build upon skills and knowledge obtained during the introduction and individual exploration units. Students will apply their understanding of time and change through the lens of collective humanity in this final unit. They will observe, research, discuss, and create a final artwork in reaction to this concept. Students will curate and run a final showcase together for their community. Finally, students will document their process and artwork for their portfolios.


Unit 3 at a Glance

Exploring how humanity addresses time and change through the evolution of human ingenuity over the next 15 weeks



You as the student artist have explored…

  • SEL: Understanding societal roles



  • Documenting your work and developing a portfolio



These questions will drive our work…

  • What world have you inherited? What world do you want to leave for the next generation?

  • What impacts do humans have on the world?

  • How does art help us understand the lives of people of different times, places, and cultures? 

  • What methods and processes are considered when preparing artwork for presentation or preservation?

  • How does power affect change and historical records? How do we dissect entangled histories?

  • What influence does time have on artworks and the messages embedded within them?


Lesson 1: Time & Other Disciplines

In this lesson we will explore the concept of time across different disciplines - priming us to choose a concept for our final assignment. We will seek to understand how transdisciplinary research benefits us as artists.


You as the student artist have…

  • Participated in the utopia and dystopia warm-up exercise

  • Chosen a cross-disciplinary station to explore (math, science, history, english, athletics, music, theater)


  • Exploring Curiosity Presentation

  • Concept Starters/Station Inspiration

    • Science: Erosion, Metamorphosis, Habitats, Life Cycle, Human Impact, Astronomy

    • Critical Thinking: My role in society over time

    • Literature: Art of Storytelling, Evolution of Character, Science Fiction - Futurism (Time Machines)

    • Health: Aging & Dementia

    • Human Condition: Death & Dying, Emotions, Crisis

    • Music: Musical styles over time & the evolution of technology


Lesson 2: Human Influence & Ingenuity

In this lesson we will explore the theme for our final project: Collective Humanity & Human Ingenuity. During our final weeks we will apply the knowledge of time and change through our mesosystems & macrosystems. You will each create a small body of work or a single artwork that executes this theme. We will then create an exhibition and showcase it to the school.


You as the student artist have…

  • Selected a topic to research

  • Drawn connections across disciplines

  • Drafted and executed your concepts



Lesson 3: Curating Artwork for an Exhibition

In this lesson we will research and expand on curating artwork for a group exhibition. We will focus on the theme of collective humanity and human ingenuity — building a class exhibition from our works.


You as the student artist have…

  • Defined curation

  • Visited one museum - paying close attention to curation practices

  • Create curation strategies with your class and come up with a single cohesive plan

  • Develop a exhibition through line with your class

  • Identify a school space and organize your exhibition collaboratively

  • Established communication styles and project management techniques

Essential Questions

  • How do Curators select, analyze, and interpret artistic works for presentation?



Lesson 4: Exhibition Development & Docent Training

In our final lesson we will work as a class to develop and put on our exhibition. We will work as a collective, assigning roles as if we worked in a gallery. We will explore roles like: docents, registrar, director, editor, archivist, communications & marketing, and art handler.


You as the student artist have…

  • Identified who is taking on what role

  • Developed a plan of execution

  • Completed your role to the best of your ability

  • Completed your exhibition



Lesson 5: Reflection & Open Studio Day

In this lesson we will reflect on our exhibition — evaluating what went well and what we would change. Once our reflections are complete, we will move on to an open studio day.


You as the student artist have…

  • Reflected on our exhibition — thinking critically about our start, stop, repeat worksheets and discussing our outcomes with our classmates

  • Chosen a goal for today’s open studio session



Lesson 6: Documenting Your Artwork

This lesson will be a photography and archival mini lesson. We will work to document your artwork from the last 3 units.


You as the student artist have…

  • Photographed all of your artwork

  • Taken notes on photography and lighting methods for documentation

  • Edited your photos & identified “selects”



Lesson 7: Creating Portfolios

This lesson will be a graphic design mini lesson. We will work to pull together your artwork into one cohesive document.


You as the student artist have…

  • Identified your selects and organized them into a folder - ready for portfolio production

  • Taken notes on graphic design methods for portfolio development

  • Written clear, concise labels for your work

  • Created a final portfolio

  • Printed your portfolio



Lesson 8: End of Year Celebration - Portfolio Review & Time Capsule Burial

In this lesson we will celebrate our work, participate in a portfolio review, and bury our time capsule from unit 2!


You as the student artist have…

  • Visited at least 3 of your peer’s portfolio tables - giving sticky note feedback

  • Celebrated your accomplishments! Wohoo! Great work!